"Transparency International (TI) defines corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. This definition encompasses corrupt practices in both the public and private sectors. The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) ranks countries according to perception of corruption in the public sector. The CPI is an aggregate indicator that combines different sources of information about corruption, making it possible to compare countries.
The 2010 CPI draws on different assessments and business opinion surveys carried out by independent and reputable institutions. It captures information about the administrative and political aspects of corruption. Broadly speaking, the surveys and assessments used to compile the index include questions relating to bribery of public officials, kickbacks in public procurement, embezzlement of public funds, and questions that probe the strength andTransparency International's 2010 Corruption Perceptions Index is available here. Honduras shares the 134th ranking of 178 countries evaluated, in the good company of Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Togo, Ukraine, and Zimbabwe. In the Americas, Honduras ranks above only Haiti, Paraguay, and Venezuela.
effectiveness of public sector anti-corruption efforts."
new update! new update! (as a demand/request, not as a celebration) miss you alan!